
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
-John Quincy Adams

Thursday, May 21, 2009


As leaders it will be important for us to have a good definition of success that you can use as a measure for your activities through out the year.

I personally like Coach Wooden's definition on page 10: "Making the complete effort to maximize your abilities, skills, and potential in whatever circumstances - good or bad - may exist"

In the next paragraph he separates this definition of success from our present cultures definition: "Sometimes the competition you face will be bigger or stronger, more experienced or better [equipped]. Regardless of the situation you face as a leader, you must believe and teach those under your leadership that success is theirs when together you summon the will to put forth EVERYTHING you have."

So at the end of the day can you win a match and be unsuccessful? Can you lose a match and come away with your head held high? The answer to both ought to be yes if your goal is giving everything you're involved in your very best effort...

Commit to excellence. Be successful.


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Student Leaders Of JICHS

You have been chosen to serve in a capacity of leadership. This is both an honor and a responsibility. We hope you will take pride in the positions you have earned, and we want to help you realize your highest level of leadership potential. It is not our intention for this to be a rigorous or demanding course of your time and energy, but we do want to expose you to what real and genuine leadership is all about. We want to be an open door for your questions and an example you can follow. We say this not with an air of self righteousness or haughty pride, but with the humility that is tied to one whose every move is scrutinized (just as yours will be by your peers). We (all of us - you included) will fall, we will fail, but without trials and challenges can we have success or victory? To have the courage to face difficulty and the humility to accept responsibility, this is the foundation of leadership, and this is the mentality we ask you to have and seek to help you develop.
-Chris Lightfoot